This is the second Azure Agony album, the first one with vocals.
Perhaps it’s the most melodic and linear music that I’ve ever written so far.
Like the previous work of the band, the backbone of these songs can be found in the prog metal area, taking inpiration from the quite obvious Dream Theater mastery, however we tried to be as much as personal as we could.
India is a concept album: the lyrics are all tied together in a single story where a man is looking for an imaginary place that he thinks resides in a corner of his mind.
This work has been published in 2012 by the Italian label SG Records.

Marco Sgubin – Keyboards / Accordion
Carlo Simeoni – Drums
Gabriele Pala – 8 string guitars / Chapman Stick
Federico Ahrens – Vocals
Marco Firman – Bass
Anna Marcossi – Cello (in a couple of songs)
Music and lyrics: Azure Agony
Drums and vocals recorded by: Luigi Stefanini @ New Sin Studio
Guitars recorded by: Gabriele Pala
Bass and keyboards recorded by: Marco Sgubin
Reamping, mixing and mastering: Luigi Stefanini @ New Sin Studio
Artwork: Marco Sgubin
Pictures: Gianluca Tonzar, Cesare Bellafronte, Arianna Durazzano
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